A Case for Home Schooling
"Every child in America entering school at the age of five is insane because
he comes to school with certain allegiances toward our Founding Fathers,
toward his parents, toward our elected officials, toward a belief in a
supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate
entity. It's up to you, teachers, to make all these sick children well by
creating the international child of the future." Chester M. Pierce,
Professor, Department of Educational Psychiatry, Harvard University.
"Every child who believes in God is mentally ill." Dr. Paul Brandwein:
Leading U.S. child psychologist.
"Fundamental, Bible-believing people do not have the right to indoctrinate
their children in their religious beliefs because we, the state, are
preparing them for the year 2000, when America will be part of a one-word
global society and their children will not fit in. The reason we have to
regulate... church schools is that...children that are not trained in
state-controlled schools will not fit in." Paul Hoagland" U.S.
Representative (D, Nebraska).
"Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society, unless the
parents hold a government license... All potential parents [should be]
required to use contraceptive chemicals, the government issuing antidotes
[only] to citizens chosen for childbearing." David Brower: Founder, Friends
of the Earth. Nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.
"We really don't know how to raise children. If we want to talk about the
equality of opportunity for children, then the fact that children are raised
in families means there's no equality, we must take them away from families
and communally raise them." Dr. Mary Jo Bane: former Clinton Administration
assistant secretary of administration for children and families in the US
Department of Health and Human Services.
"Each child belongs to the state." William Seawell: Professor of
Education, University of Virginia.
"Every Child is our child." Slogan used by UNICEF
"This new Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth
and give to youth its own education and its only upbringing. Your child
belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants,
however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing
else but this new community." Adolph Hitler, Chancellor of Nazi Germany,
Mass Murderer.
I am convinced that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won
in the public school classroom by teachers that correctly perceive their new
role as proselytizers a new faith which will replace the rotting corpse of
Christianity." John J. Dunphy, Humanist.
Recalcitrant parents were warned that their children would be taken from
them and put into orphanages or other homes unless they enrolled their
children in Hitler's program." William Shirer, Leftist historian on the Nazi
"[The scarcity of world resources imposes] a duty to die... [a]
responsibility to end one's life in the absence of any terminal illness...a
duty to die even when one would prefer to live. A duty to die is more likely
when you have already lived a rich and full life. You have already had a
full share of the good things life offers." John Hardwig: Professor of
medical ethics and social political philosophy at east Tennessee State
University. [HE was still alive years later! He did not voluntarily do
his duty! CLMsr.]