Yet Another Cook Book

Queso Flameado

1 pound Oaxaca cheese (in a pinch you may use almost any good white Mexican cheese.)

4 tbsp (about a quarter cup) cooked chorrizo well drained, fat all gone.

Melt the cheese very gently in the nuke oven, regular oven (at about 325) or small crock pot. Add the chorrizo, blend well, cover and let season awhile.

Chop some onion and grill in butter in a skillet 'till nice and done.

Heat up fresh flour tortillas in a heavy skillet or comal. Nice and popping hot!

Spoon a heaping helping of the cheese goo onto the tortilla, garnish with a spattering of grilled onions, fold like a taco, flop your lips over it and and prepare to ascend into heaven.

Enjoy! JD

JD Cooper


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