Genealogy List of My Surnames: Martinez, Blanchard, Perez, Manzanares, Arquiaga, Ruiz, Gougerot, Sosa, Nuñez, Cauchois, de Soto, Herault, de Lucas, de Flichy, Leconte, Regnard, Pelletier, Sohier, Maurice, Grenete, Garcia, Saiz. Genealogy List of Political and Collateral Surnames of my relatives: Jova, Inclan, Artze, Carbot, Coz, Hernandez, de Medina, Regueira, Garcia, Miguenes, Albuerne, Herrera, Asensio. DEDICATION In English: One day I felt the inspiration and impulse to write a modest work on the biographies of my family, and upon writing them I decided to dedicate the work to my marvelous parents, my adorable children, Alberto, Leopoldo and Ricardo, my dear grandchildren and the subsequent generations, and my gratitude to everyone who reads this website with interest and love. In Spanish: Un día sentí el impulso y la inspiración de escribir un modesto trabajo sobre las biografías de mi familia, y al redactar las mismas decidí dedicarlas a mis maravillosos padres, a mis adorables hijos, Alberto, Leopoldo y Ricardo, a mis queridos nietos, generaciones venideras y también agradecer su lectura a todos aquellos que con amor e interés se acerquen a las mismas. INTRODUCTION In English: I have always maintained alive the wish to know who were my ancestors. To know where and when they were born, where they lived, what were their names, what type of work they did, and the motives that some of them had to emigrate. I have tried to find the truth and for this purpose I have counted with the magnificent collaboration of close relatives - birth certificates, christenings, marriages, population census, searching in various libraries for anything that could help, letters from distant relatives offering some information, etc., and everything I have written I have strived to prove with the corresponding documents. It has taken me some years to write this work, as well as to think in which form to present it in order to make it the most amenable possible. This work will never end, and it will stay in the good hands of the subsequent generations to conserve all that has been written, as well as continue it, and to give them my eternal gratitude. En Español: Siempre he mantenido el vivo deseo de conocer quienes fueron mis antepasados, saber en donde y cuando nacieron, en donde vivieron, como ![]() He tratado de acercarme a la verdad y para ello he contado con la magnífica colaboración de familiares allegados - certificaciones de nacimiento, bautizos, matrimonios, censos de población, búsqueda en diferentes bibliotecas de lo que pueda ayudar, cartas de familiares lejanos ofreciendo alguna información, etc., y todo lo que he escrito me ha gustado probarlo con los documentos correspondientes. Me ha llevado algunos años escribir este trabajo, así como pensar la forma de presentarlo para hacerlo lo mas ameno posible. Y nunca terminará y quedará en las buenas manos de las generaciones próximas conservar lo ya escrito, así como continuarlo, dándole a los mismos mi eterna gratitud. Elsie Martinez-Blanchard Links: Documented Family Stories, Anecdotes and Photographs History of Arnold Cecile Francois Blanchard Cauchois Family Group of Pauline Gougerot Herault Daughter: Julie Blanchard Gougerot Daughter: Carlota Martinez Blanchard Daughter of Carlota: María Julia Gonzalez Asensio History of Crisantos Martínez Nuñez Family Group of Alberto Martínez Blanchard Spouse: María Esperanza Pérez Family Group of Elsie Martínez Blanchard Spouse: Leopoldo Jova Family Group of Gilles de Flichy MISCELLANEOUS DATA, INDEX OF INDIVIDUALS AND TREE DIAGRAMS Genealogy List of Political and Collateral Names of my relatives |
Elsie Martínez Blanchard, Genealogy Writer
Genealogy Writer
Telephone: (305) 551-7068
The XLData Net
Lillian Martinez, WebMaster
Copyright © 2002 The XLData Net
and Elsie Martínez-Blanchard
All Rights Reserved
Created -- 7/9/02
Revised -- 12/6/06