For a Free, Just and Prosperous Cuba
Cubans live in submissiveness due to a crushing government.
The Cuban Communist Party keeps Cubans in a submissive state.
Present laws are not based on justice.
If an individual makes an effort to work freelance, he is labeled a criminal.
Also, lack of freedom causes poverty.
The members of the Cuban Communist Party do have privileges.
What we want
Free Market, free and solid currency, and private propertyWe want a Cuba where individuals can enjoy the fruits of their labor.
There are three things that cause the submissiveness of the Cubans
1. Total lack of freedom
2. Lack of respect for life
3. Freelance work is criminalized. We want individuals to be able to achieve their economic potential without constraint by government.
Backing Terrorism
Also, the role that Cuba plays in Latin America is important.
And Cuba has Connections with Iran and North Korea.
Cuba Sends Special Forces to Venezuela
Video of newscast about biological weapons 6 minutes.
For more details, see the article Cuba: żAmenaza para Estados Unidos?
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