Pedro Martori, Delegado en Canada,
por Centro para la Democracia en Cuba de Montreal.
Walter Pine and Thelma Roper
Oswaldo Hernandez
Cuba Liberty Site Award
We give awards for "Cuba Liberty Site". We award a certificate image button to the sites
that promote freedom for Cuba excellently. The award button has a link back
to our awards page for verification of the award. Our award links page provides a good
service for visitors by pointing them to the best sites.
We award it only to sites that are nominated by anybody and submitted to us, and then our judges
examine the site and decide if they want to give them the award. This
identifies the best freedom pages for Cuba for the benefit of all visitors.
We will set up a Liberty Sites links page listing all the links to the winning
sites. We will also list links of potentially worthy nominated pages, but
not yet decided upon, in a separate category. We require the nominating
party to write an explanation as to why these are worthy freedom sites.
To submit a nomination of a site for the Cuba Liberty Site award, send an email to or
Include a one paragraph explanation for the judges telling why the site is a good site to promote freedom for Cuba. Also include a one sentence explanation of why the site is a good site to be used as a subtitle below the site link in our awards page.