Commemoration of the Fifth Anniversary of a Communist Massacre


On July 13, 1994 a group of 71 persons departed silently at night from Havana Bay in Cuba trying to escape the Communist hell on an old wood tugboat. Members of the Communist Party warned the tyrant Fidel Castro and immediately ordered the "Death Marine Squadron"(Rapid Brigade) to give the escapers an unforgettable sanction, was to avoid this way out at any price. Three modern Cuban war boats pursued and blocked the 13 of March Tugboat crashing it in the front and the sides, while they threw strong jets of water sweeping off board the crew members including children coming out of their mothers'arms. One Polaris boat crashed the boat by the rear, and the persons who could go inside the machine room were trapped. The tugboat sank rapidly in a few minutes. Two Cuban coast guard boats observed the crime without helping the victims. Of the 71 persons on board, 41 died, among them 20 children were killed in the darkness only at a distance of 7 miles from Havana City.

Annual rally in San Antonio, Texas, USA

International Front For the Freedom of Cuba
Mr. Armando Martinez, Secretary of the Executive Committee
Dr. Carlos D. Carbonell, Press and Organizing Secretary
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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